How To Develop A Shared Language For Your Creative Team

When you work in a team, you have a chance to make something better than you could make alone. At least, that’s what people say…

…the thing is, bad communication often gets in the way.

Great ideas get ignored when creatives don’t feel heard. Resentment builds up when work has to re-done because the task wasn’t clear. Managers and clients get frustrated when they don’t get what they want.

Worst of all: the work that once excited you turns into drudgery.

Bad communication eats at our time and creative potential.

It’s a creativity killer.

So, how do you communicate with your team in a way that improves your collaborations?

Without a shared language, your commitments are meaningless.

Our last Creative Pulse event featured designer, developer and nacho critic, Rowan Weismiller.

Rowan dug into the importance of developing a shared language in a creative team. He illustrated how professional creatives can put their words to work to end frustration and disagreements, reduce wasted time and deliver better work.

“You must fully understand the meaning in the language being used in order to meaningfully commit.”


Thank you to /Archive for providing our venue and refreshments!

What can we do to improve our team’s communication?

1 – Ask questions courageously
“I’ve been working on it for a while but…can someone remind me why this project matters?”

2 – Be brave about what you don’t know
“I wrote down my initial thoughts in this document, but I still don’t know how most of this should work. Can you take a look when you get a chance?”

3 – Make sure you understand others’ points of view before you debate them
“I hear you. You want to launch on that day because the campaign is already scheduled to go out on that day, and it’ll take extra hours of your time to reschedule it. That’s what we need to do, and we need your help.”


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Ami Sanyal
Ami has helped over 430 business owners connect with millions of prospects online.

As a marketing consultant and coach for client-based business owners, Ami specializes in helping experts attract ideal clients — predictably.

Formerly a freelance photographer, Ami has photographed celebrities like Jay-Z, Coldplay, and Olympic athletes.

He’s the proud co-founder of Creative Pulse and has led its volunteer team since 2014.

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