How To Be More Creative (And Less Busy)



Every commercial artist I know chose his or her their craft because they love creating.

Yet meetings, emails, phone calls, Slack messages and other distractions fill our weeks. We’re often so busy with urgent work that our creative work gets pushed to the bottom of our to-do lists. When we finally have time to create, we’re burnt out.

Our last Creative Pulse event featured award-winning product designer and a business owner, Zoe Garred. Zoe wears many hats, and she grew tired of prioritizing day-to-day tasks and saving her “designer hat” for last. So she searched for ways to make more time for her creative work—without neglecting her other responsibilities.

Zoe shared the lessons she wished she’d learned early in her career as a creative. She discussed how to take advantage of automation and project management tools, how to decide what to delegate (and ways to do it), and how to schedule time and space for creativity.

What can we do to get more creative work done?

1 – Find a creative space that makes you feel creative

2 – Design the space so it is optimized for your comfort and workflow

3 – Choose a creative time—schedule it in your calendar and treat it like you would treat an important meeting

“Block off [creative] time as if it were a meeting, put it into your schedule and stick to it whether you accomplish anything or not.”

For more insights from Zoe’s talk, check out her speaker deck:

Photos from Zoe Garred’s Talk + Social


Thank you to /Archive for providing our venue and refreshments!

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Ami Sanyal
Ami has helped over 430 business owners connect with millions of prospects online.

As a marketing consultant and coach for client-based business owners, Ami specializes in helping experts attract ideal clients — predictably.

Formerly a freelance photographer, Ami has photographed celebrities like Jay-Z, Coldplay, and Olympic athletes.

He’s the proud co-founder of Creative Pulse and has led its volunteer team since 2014.

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